
There Are Gifts In Being Still

Always stop to enjoy a moment, smell the roses, appreciate the beauty in something. My health journey has literally many days forced me to sit still, sit in the moment, appreciate the little details in a day that lead to a magical life.

When life puts you in the universal time-out chair through dis-ease or any other life interruption, will you sit and rage? Or will you calm yourself to observe the amazing things going on around you? On some days my ataxia has only allowed limited walking – maybe a couple hundred metres, maybe half an hour, maybe more – it really depends. Beautiful moments have opened up before me – moments that were always there but I overlooked in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The way sunshine hits a flower. The gorgeous colours of a bird’s feathers. Children running and giggling. The texture of a tree. Waves crashing and gleaming in the sunlight.

Stop. Breathe.

Appreciate the gifts that find you in any universal time-out in your life.

See and hear new things or old things in new ways.

There are gifts in being still.

Let them find you.