Entries by LIIS

I Haven’t Just Changed What I Eat – I’ve Changed How I Eat Too

I have developed some new habits that make me quite happy…but this comes from having to break some habits that definitely needed tweaking! One I am still working on is this: I need to eat more slowly. I wouldn’t classify myself as a “wolfer” or “inhaler.” I have table etiquette I swear. But when you […]

Ron Finely: A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA

“Food is the problem and food is the solution.” I love Ted Talks. And I love the Ted Talk by Ron Finely. I have watched it several times and passed it along to others and his delivery gets me every time. Just the title alone piques one’s interest. Ron speaks about living in a food […]

Celebrate Your Accomplishments Today

I used to do boot camp. I used to do full-out sprints on the treadmill. I used to do 3-5 sessions at the gym each week for the sheer thrill of feeling great. Of sweating. Of knowing I just shaved 5 seconds off my really bad one mile time. I was aiming for my first […]

There Are Gifts In Being Still

Always stop to enjoy a moment, smell the roses, appreciate the beauty in something. My health journey has literally many days forced me to sit still, sit in the moment, appreciate the little details in a day that lead to a magical life. When life puts you in the universal time-out chair through dis-ease or […]

Disease vs. Dis-ease – What’s the difference?

Throughout my site and in my lectures and appearances you will often see and hear me using the word “dis-ease” instead of “disease.”  You may have heard others in the holistic health community tweaking the word and sneaking that hyphen in there too.  There is a very good reason. Here are two definitions to help […]